Structural Analysis & Strain Mapping

Contributions to Thematic Structural Studies:

Thematic contributions to structural geology include the classification of boudinage, end-member boudins and modified boudins (Goscombe et al., 2004); developed the geological tools that exploit boudin structures as shear sense indicators, flow regime indicators and principal extension axis indicators (Goscombe & Passchier, 1999, 2001, 2002; Goscombe et al., 2004); outlined the rules governing refolding and inversion of shear sense (Goscombe & Trouw, 1998); recognition of map-scale sheath folding (Goscombe, 1991); progressive strain partitioning within transpressional systems (Goscombe et al., 2003a, 2006, 2008); Large-scale block rotations in a transpressional plate margin in oceanic crust (Goscombe & Everard, 2001), long-distance stress propagation through the Australian Plate resulting in development of multi-scale kinkbands in the upper-crust (Goscombe et al., 1994) and development of practical field-based strain mapping methodologies (Goscombe & Gray, 2007).

Structural Analysis Publications:

  • Goscombe B.D. 1991. Intense non-coaxial shear and the development of mega-scale sheath folds in the Arunta Block, Central Australia. JSG 13, 299-318.
  • Goscombe B.D. 1991. Deformation of the Zeehan Tillite and re-evaluation of the Tabberabberan Orogeny in Tasmania. Tas Dept. Mines. Report, 1991/03.
  • Goscombe B.D. 1992. High-grade reworking of Central Australian granulites. Part 1: Structural evolution. Tectonophysics. 204.
  • Goscombe B.D., Finley R.F., Mc Clenaghan M. & Everard J. 1994. Multi-scale kinking in northeast Tasmania: Crustal shortening at shallow crustal levels. Journal of Structural Geology 16, 1077-1092.
  • Goscombe B.D., Both F. & Fey P. 1994. Structural evolution of the Chewore Inliers, Zambezi Mobile Belt, Zimbabwe. J. African Earth Science 19, 199-224.
  • Goscombe B.D. & Trouw R. 1998. The geometry of folded tectonic shear sense indicators. Journal of Structural Geology 21, 123-127.
  • Goscombe B.D. & Everard J.L. 2001. Tectonic evolution of Macquarie Island: extensional structures and block rotations in oceanic crust. JSG 23, 639-673.
  • Goscombe B.D. & Passchier C. 2003. Asymmetric boudins as shear sense indicators an assessment from field data. J. Structural Geology 25(4), 575-589.
  • Goscombe B.D., Hand M., Gray D. 2003. Structure of the Kaoko Belt, Namibia: Progressive evolution of a classic transpressional orogen. JSG 25. 1049-1081.
  • Goscombe B.D., Passchier C & Hand M. 2004 Boudinage classification: end-member boudin types and modified boudin structures. JSG 26, 739-763.
  • Passchier C.W., Trouw, R., Kroner, A., Goscombe, B. & Gray, D. 2006. Constraints to intrusion mechanisms of granite in a turbidite sequence: the Voetspoor and Doros granite plutons in NW Namibia. Journal of Structural Geology.
  • Goscombe B.D., Gray D. 2008. Structure and strain variation at mid-crustal levels in a transpressional orogen: a review of Kaoko Belt structure and the character of West Gondwana amalgamation. Focus Paper, Gondwana Research 13(1).