Published Research Papers

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Published Manuscripts

Field Cards

PDF's of published manuscripts for downloading:

Boudinage classification: Goscombe et al., Journal of Structural Geology 2004

Boudinage shear sense: Goscombe & Passchier, Journal of Structural Geology 2003

Folded kinematic indicators: Goscombe & Trouw, Journal of Structural Geology 1998

Mega-kink folds in Tasmania: Goscombe et al., Journal of Structural Geology 1994

Lyell eclogites in Tasmania: Mineral Resources Tasmania Report, Goscombe 1994 

Arunta Province mega-sheath folds: Goscombe, Journal of Structural Geology 1991

Arunta Province two-stages of granulite metamorphism: Goscombe, Journal of Petrology 1992

Arunta Province structural evolution in the Strangway Range: Goscombe, Tectonophysics 1992

Arunta Province granulite grade silica-undersaturated parageneses: Journal of Metamorphic Geology 1992

Arunta Province age of Strangways Orogeny reworking: Clark et al., Journal Geol. Soc. London 2007

Arunta Province metamorphism in the East Arunta: Oliver et al., Precambrian Research 1988

Damara Orogen metamorphic variation along the northern margin: Goscombe et al., Journal of Petrology 2004

Damara Orogen granite emplacement mechanisms in the Ugab Terrane: Passchier et al., Journal of Structural Geology 2007

Damara Orogen Ar-Ar thermochronology: Gray et al., Precambrian Research 2006

Damara Orogen accretion of turbidite terranes: Gray et al., Geological Society of America Memoir 2007

Damara Orogen tectonic evolution of West Gondwana: Gray et al., Geological Society of London 2008

Himalayan integrated structural and metamorphic architecture: Goscombe et al., Gondwana Research 2006

Himalayan metamorphic evolution: Goscombe et al., Journal of Petrology 2000

Channel flow: Jones et al., Geological Society of London 2006

Metamorphic response in different orogens: Goscombe & Gray, Gondwana Research 2008

Kaoko Belt mid-crust extrusion: Goscombe et al., Journal of Petrology 2005

Kaoko Belt event chronology: Goscombe et al., Precambrian Research 2005

Kaoko Belt metamorphic architecture: Goscombe et al., Journal of Petrology 2003

Kaoko Belt summary of strain patterns and structural evolution: Goscombe & Gray, Gondwana Research Focus paper 2007

Kaoko Belt structural evolution: Goscombe et al., Journal of Structural Geology 2003

Kaoko Belt transtension and exhumation: Foster et al., Tectonics 2009

Kaoko Belt magmatic arc Coastal Terrane: Goscombe & Gray, Precambrian Research 2007

Macquarie Island tectonic evolution: Goscombe & Everard, Journal of Structural Geology 2001

Macquarie Island oceanic crust: Goscombe & Everard, EOS 1999

Yilgarn Craton Neoachaean metamorphic evolution: Goscombe et al., 2007

Yilgarn Craton integrated terrane analysis: Goscombe et al., 2009. Geoscience Australia Record 2009/23 published by Australian Government. Hard copy of record and high resolution pdf and full datasets on DVD are available from Geoscience Australia and low resolution pdf available from their website.

Yilgarn Craton Predictive Mineral Discovery: Czarnota, Blewett, Goscombe, 2010. Precambrian Research 183, 356-377.

Yilgarn Craton Geodynamic Evolution: Czarnota et al., 2010. Precambrian Research 183, 175-202.

Zambezi Belt structural evolution: Goscombe et al., Journal of African Earth Sciences 1994

• Zambezi Belt metamorphic evolution: Goscombe et al., Journal of Petrology 1998

Zambezi Belt chronology and tectonic evolution: Goscombe et al., Journal of African Earth Sciences 2000

Photograph of the month, reworked boudin structure: Goscombe, Journal of Structural Geology 2007

Photograph of the month, pseudoboudin train: Passchier & Goscombe, Journal of Structural Geology 2008

Photograph of the month, cooling joints in obsidian: Goscombe, Journal of Structural Geology 2008

• Damara Orogen zircon provinance: Foster et al Gondwana Research 2015   GR_2015_Foster_Provinance.pdf

• Damara Metamorphism: Goscombe et al., 2017, Gondwana Research, Focus Review. GR_2017_DamaraMeta.pdf

• Damara Deformation: Goscombe et al., 2017, Geoscience Frontiers. GSF_2017_DamaraJunction.pdf

• Damara Orogenic System Tectonics Summary: Goscombe et al., 2018, SW Gondwana, Springer-Verlag. SWGond_2018_DamaraSummary.pdf

• Central Himalayan Orogen Metamorphism: Goscombe et al., 2018, Gondwana Research, Focus Review.  GR_2018_Himal.pdf

• Yilgarn Craton Metamorphism: Goscombe et al., 2019, Precambrian Research.PR_2019_Yilgarn_Small_0.pdf

• Zambezi Belt Metamorphism: Goscombe et al., 2020, Gondwana Research, Focus Review.GR_2020_ZambeziMeta.pdf

• Oman Metamorphism: Goscombe et al., 2020, Gondwana Research, Focus Review.GR_2020_OmanMeta_0.pdf

• Damara Belt Collapse: Goscombe et al., 2022, Gondwana Research, Focus Review 109, 285-375.GR_2022_DamaraCollapse_Small.pdf

• Southern Appalachian Orogen collapse: Foster et al., 2023, Compressional Tectonics, American Geophysical Union.AGUbook_2023_Foster_Extension_Final.pdf


PDF's of field cards for downloading:

Summary of shear sense indicators