Welcome to Integrated Terrane Analysis web site



The ITAR venture was set up as a platform to facilitate collaborative research on interesting tectonic problems with a focus on the geodynamic and metamorphic reponse in different orogenic settings. ITAR was established in Malalchuello Village, Chile on the 21st January, 2006 and is based in the Adelaide Hills, South Australia.


ITAR is a not for profit research venture with Ben Goscombe available as an independent researcher with the skills and experience to drive collaborative research programs forward to publishable outcomes [Link to Services]. Also available for developing new research programs utilising first-hand experience and pre-competitive datasets from terranes in Africa, Himalayas and Australia [Link to Portfolio of Terranes].

Contact: ben.goscombe@gmail.com

Main areas of expertise:
• Field work and geological mapping
• Structural analysis, profiles and strain mapping
• Metamorphic analysis and petrology
• Metamorphic mapping and field gradients
• Collation and synthesis of large, orogen-wide datasets
• Integrated terrane analysis and tectonic synthesis

Current, Ongoing and Completed ITAR collaborative projects:

Australia Metamorphic Project [OZMP]: Collaborative research funded by Geoscience Australia to summarize the metamorphic evolution of the Australian continent and spatio-temporal metamorphic map patterns. In collaboration with Dr Richard Blewett (GA), Karol Czarnota (GA), Roger Skirrow (GA), Geoff Fraser (GA) and other staff at GA, MRT and NSW Geological Survey.

West Yilgarn Craton Metamorphism Project: Collaborative research funded by large grant from GSWA. In collaboration with Dr Richard Blewett (GA), David Foster (University of Florida), Ben Wade (Adelaide Microscopy), Steve Wyche (GSWA), Angus Netting (Adelaide Microscopy) and Paul Hamilton on technical support. [Link to GSWA Field Notes].

East Yilgarn Craton Metamorphism Project: Collaborative research funded by pmd*CRC and Geoscience Australia. In collaboration with Dr Richard Blewett (GA), Karol Czarnota (GA), Bruce Groenewald (GSWA), Roland Maas (Melb Uni) and other GA, GSWA and pmd*CRC staff.

Thermo-mechanical response within collisional Pan-African Orogenic Systems: Ongoing collaborative research self-funded by ITAR and previous funding by NSF (Foster) and ARC (Gray). In collaboration with Prof. David Foster (University of Florida), Prof. David Gray (Melbourne University), Dr. Dave Kelsey and Dr. Ben Wade (Adelaide University) with Paul Hamilton and Angus Netting on technical support.

Damara Orogen, Kaoko Belt and Zambezi Belt Projects in Namibia, Zimbabwe, Zambia and Malawi: Collaborators David Foster, David Gray, David Kelsey and Ben Wade.

Macquarie Island project in Southern Ocean: Collaborators Graham Baines (Adelaide University), Joshua Schwartz (University of Alabama), Elena Miranda (California State University, Northridge), David Foster (Florida University) and John Everard (MRT).

• Eastern Arunta Metamorphic studies and staff training: Funded by the Northern Territory Geological Survey.

• Structural studies on boudinage, kinematic indicators and transpression in shear zones from Nambia and South Australia: In collaboration with Prof David Gray (Geostructures).

Metamorphic project in Mali: In collaboration with Dr Thomas Bekker-Fullgraf and funded by the BRGM.



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